Monday, February 08, 2010

Green Tile Back Japanese Mahjong Set Now Available on TripleClicks!


The popular green-tile-back Japanese mahjong set is once again available over on

At the moment only one is available. I only get hold of one set at a time so I offer them on a one-off basis on Tripleclicks rather than on my website,

The tiles in this set are a bit heavier than the Standard Japanese Mahjong Set available on my site, but apart from that, and the colour of the tile backs, the specs are similar.

Anyway, now that the winter backlog of orders has been cleared I hope to be able to keep a small stock of green-backed sets available. I'm also hoping to add some new sets to my range later this month...

One more thing... I'm currently reading Jenn Barr's book, Reach Mahjong and will be reviewing it on my site shortly. Suffice it to say here that it is an entertaining read and a good introduction to Japanese Mahjong.

David Hurley